a story of memory
“The Coup, a story of memory” is the theatrical adaptation in 10-line verse that Roberto Parra Sandoval wrote in different stages of the dictatorship in Chile. The National Library houses these manuscripts and commissioned this project in 2013 to a team made up of playwright Florencia Martínez, director Soledad Cruz, actor Nicolás Pavez, and musician Nicolás Láscar. The result was a one-man show, containing various anonymous characters who suffered human rights violations on the outskirts of the capital and in rural areas of Chile. The work gives an account of these events with the human, mischievous tone typical of "Uncle Roberto", a fundamental Chilean author who today, 46 years after the coup, moves us again with this part of our history.
La Maulina is led by the actor and director Soledad Cruz and is made up of an interdisciplinary group of artists working to develop scenic cultural projects that promote Chilean authors and Chilean national identity. We highlight El pago de Chile, a one-person play presented at the Taller Siglo XX and at the Santiago a Mil 2017 Festival, as well as in various theaters throughout Chile. Another work, El Golpe, a Relato de Memoria, adaptation of the unpublished work by Roberto Parra Project, was financed by the National Library in commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the military coup and financed in the re-assembly by Fondart 2017. The play has been presented in several theaters throughout Chile, from GAM to the Santiago OFF Festival, Temporary Theaters of Puerto Montt, Sud a L'Horta in Valencia, Spain, and The Museum of Memory of Santiago, among others.
Municipal Library, Santiago 2017
National library, Santiago 2017
Cultural Center Montecarmelo 2017
Theater workshop “Twentieth Century” 2018
Cultural center GAM 2018
Season at GAM, Teatro Hoy Fundación Santiago a Mil 2018
Memory & Human Rights Museum 2018
Festival Container, Valparaíso 2018
Extension center, Universidad de Talca 2018
MATTA space theater 2018
Theater and Memory cycle at “Ex-Clinica Santa Lucia” 2018
Temporales Teatrales Festival Puerto Montt 2019
National library, Santiago 2021
FITAG Festival, Girona 2021
FITLO Festival, Logroño 2021
Sud a l'Horta Festival, Valencia 2021
Cast & Crew
Company: La Maulina
Text: Roberto Parra
Adaptation: Florencia Martínez
Direction: Soledad Cruz
Cast: Nicolas Pavez
Composition and musical performance: Nicolas Lascar
Costumes and set design: Valentina San Juan
Set design: Eduardo Gallagher
Lighting: Cristian Matta
Graphic design: Daniela Bunker and Felipe Leal
Producer: Francesca Ceccotti